
3 Crystals to Awaken Your Inner Witch

Awaken the magic within and bring your inner witch to life!


Labradorite inspires your magical talent to bubble to the surface through exploration of self, creativity and divine connection to higher realms. It is through these connections you are safely able to glean a deeper understanding into past lives, psychic readings and the meaning of dreams. This mysterious gem activates the Crown and Third Eye Chakra’s enhancing mental clarity and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy and the gift of prophecy. As a powerful stone of manifestation, Labradorite is the light within the darkness illuminating your path forward with limitless potential.

Black Tourmaline

Known as the “bodyguard,” Black Tourmaline is the ultimate stone of protection against negative and unwanted vibes of bad juju. It works by absorbing the negative energies in the surrounding environment which helps to keep your mind, body and soul free from toxic energies. Although Black Tourmaline works to maintain a healthy flow of energy and balance in all Chakra’s, it is most associated with the Root Chakra. As such, it promotes stability of basic needs helping you to feel safe and secure while you practice your magic and slay the day.


Amethyst is a powerful protective stone that surrounds your aura with light to guard against psychic attack and negative energies. This calming stone is ideal for quieting the mind and promoting mindful meditation and/or restful sleep. Remember that a calm, quiet state of mind allows you to think and act from a place of intention and not one of anger, jealousy or ego. Additionally, Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye Chakra which promotes creativity, wisdom and strength of memory. These valuable qualities will help you reach your goals and serves as a reminder to lean in to your intuition for guidance no matter where life takes you.

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