
Passion: 3 Crystals to Light That Flame

Fuel your mind, body and soul with passion. These three crystals promote compatibility, standing firm within your sexuality and unconditional love for yourself and your partner.


This flaming orange gem ignites the burning fires within you stimulating passion and vitality. It activates the Sacral Chakra helping you to stand firm, and comfortable, within your sexuality and sexual desires. Embrace passion and do not be ashamed. Fulfilling these desires helps to fuel your soul purpose in life. If you suppress these desires and truths, you are suppressing a part of who you are. Carnelian encourages confidence, creativity and offers the strength to make positive choices that will guide you in the direction of success.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz has long been known as the stone of love. As a quartz, it is a very useful and versatile crystal that promotes not only unconditional love, but passion, friendship, forgiveness, understanding and compassion. Rose quartz activates the Heart Chakra opening you up to giving love, and accepting it in return. Staying open and aware will help you ‘see’ the right people who are meant to come into your life that you otherwise may have missed. When love flows back and forth, there is balance and joy. Allow this stone to guide you (and your partner) to a place of infinite love and acceptance.

Red Jasper

This healing gem stimulates Root Chakra offering stability and a deep connection to Mother Earth. This in turn can ignite determination, creativity and restore your “Chi,” or life force within. It stimulates the libido and promotes a tantric sexual connection and compatibility with your partner. As a grounding stone, it helps you and your partner build a solid foundation on which you can grow your lives. Alternatively, as a  stone of empowerment and strength, it can offer you courage and clarity to step out from under the toxic domination of your partner when the union is not the right fit. Don’t hang onto something that isn’t working, know that the right person will be there for you at the right time.

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