
Crown Chakra: Sahasrara

Transcendence, connection & accepting the unknown.

About Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the seventh Chakra. It’s located at the top of your head, and surrounding it. It’s your connection to the Divine, a higher power beyond ourselves (and our egos). Other qualities associated with the Crown Chakra include ecstasy,  thought, awareness and devotion.

Also known as Sahasrara in sandskirt, this translates to ‘thousand petaled.’  A healthy Crown Chakra is vital for transcendence above the illusion that separates us from the Divine. This allows us to understand the state of being where everything is One. In this place, we are free from our own limiting thoughts and able to objectively challenge the belief systems we have grown to accept throughout our lives.

Sanskirt: Sahasrara

Location: Top of head, surrounding head

Color: Violet, white

Element: Time, space, thought

Crystals: Clear Quartz, Labradorite, Amethyst

Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Lavender, Frankincense

Food: Mainly associated with ‘food’ for spirit, a detox could be beneficial. Focus on Vegetables & clean eating.

When Crown Chakra is Blocked

Chakra’s are evolving energy sources within the subtle body. As such, they can be deficient (closed/blocked) or excessive (open). When a Chakra is deficient, not enough energy is flowing. This could express itself as feeling tired, sluggish, or listless. When too much energy is flowing, you might feel aggression, agitation and even project these feelings onto others. Here are some things to look for when Crown Chakra is out of balance.

Narrow mindedness. You are not open to new ideas and ways of thinking.

Difficulty rising above your ego. Some examples include the need to be right, never consider personal flaws, don’t feel the need to listen to advice, never ask for feedback, unable to take constructive criticism, and more.

Difficulty recognizing, and releasing, limiting beliefs. These are toxic thoughts that include believing you are not enough, you could never be successful, you shouldn’t even bother trying, don’t question authority, I deserve all the bad things.

Brain problems including brain fog, nightmares, insomnia or fatigue.

Feeling caught on a treadmill of negative, limiting cycles. For example, attracting the same type of partner you know is no good for you.

Overly materialistic focusing on objects and fueled by unhealthy levels of greed.

Feeling lost as though you lack purpose, drive, connection, and meaning .

Lack of faith (spiritual or other). You are unable to connect with, and believe in, a higher power beyond ourselves.

General feelings of boredom and entitlement.

Activities to Unblock Crown Chakra

When Crown Chakra is in balance, you’ll feel at peace with the world and have faith that Universe has your back. Energy will flow freely offering clarity, purpose and connection with others, yourself and the Divine. These activities will help you balance & activate Crown Chakra.

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