
3 Crystals for Mindful Meditation

Achieve clarity, a calm state of mind and fulfillment in all aspects of life with mindful meditation. These 3 crystals will aid you along the way!


A stone of vision, Unakite offers grounding and balance supporting you when you may feel lost, overwhelmed or have difficulty living in the present moment. This gem offers the patience, persistence and tolerance to get through these difficult periods of time as they don’t last forever (even if it feels that way). Unakite allows you to acknowledge and slowly release negative long standing habits, beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve you. In this way, Unakite promotes growth and rebirth bringing you one step closer to your goals.


This soothing crystal will promote a meditative state by calming your mind and quieting the chaos that surrounds you. With each new breath you take, Amethyst supports your journey with clarity of mind, peace within and uplifting feelings of hope. When you feel down or hopeless, Amethyst helps you remember that all is not lost, you have everything you need within. Therefore, focus on reconnecting with yourself. Meditation is a valuable tool that allows you accomplish this with time and patience. This crystal is also known to stimulate the Third Eye Chakra promoting creativity, thought, intuition and psychic abilities.


Emitting higher frequency vibrations, Selenite cleanses the mind, body and soul of self imposed limits. This is accomplished by removing blockages throughout the subtle body so energy can flow freely. During meditation, this gem activates the Crown Chakra bringing you closer towards a transcendent state of being. From this place, you are free to observe your thoughts mindfully, not emotionally. This crystal serves as a reminder that there is so much more to the world than meets the eye. Don’t close yourself off from abundance.

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