
Everything Gemini + 3 Crystals For Your Sign

Fun loving and curious, Gemini are open to trying anything at least once. They operate on a full plate filled with hobbies, passions, projects and travel. If they’re not on the move or meeting new people, loneliness or boredom can set in quickly. A magnetic personality paired with flexibility makes it easy to jump between different social spheres and connect with everyone they meet.

Everything Gemini

May 21 – June 21

Element: Air

Symbol: Twin

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Mode: Mutable

The Good: Adaptable, cerebral & social. Gemini’s enjoy an enriching life full of activities, projects and friends.

The Bad: Impulsive & indecisive, Gemini can be flakey or downright nosy when something juicy catches their attention.

Best Career: Teacher, nurse, public relations, web design, journalist, candy wrapper joke writer.

Famous Gemini's

Crystals for Gemini


Fluorite is a full clutter detox for the mind, body & soul enhancing Gemini’s natural joy and exuberance. It promotes clarity, intellect and aids in the decision making process. This crystal calms an overactive mind which helps to avoid overthinking or getting caught up in your head. It activates Crown + Heart Chakra to align the intentions of heart and mind as one.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper helps this air sign root themselves in the physical world offering stability + balance for the impulsive, and sometimes flakey, Gemini. It promotes the endurance and inspiration required to see projects through to the end, before jumping on to something new. This crystal amplifies the innovative and creative thought process of the Gemini mind.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz enhances the Gemini’s natural ability to connect with new people and form bonds of friendship. It also serves as a reminder to slow down now and again for some self care when you’re juggling that full plate of activities. This crystal helps to heal emotional wounds and bring balance materialistic tendencies.

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