
Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura

Confidence, self worth and identity. Basically, It’s your power house.

About Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra is the 3rd Chakra, located just above your belly button but below your sternum. It is your powerhouse of confidence and will power. The qualities associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra include self-esteem, identity, personal power and self worth.

Also known as Manipura, it translates to resplendent or lustrous gem. You’ll often see fire represent this Chakra as it fuels your powerhouse, stimulates action and burns with confidence. This Chakra is essential in expressing your true identity and personal power.

Sanskirt: Manipura

Location: Above naval but below sternum

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Crystals: Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Carnelian

Essential Oils: Peppermint, Rosemary, Pine

Food: Pineapple, bananas and other yellow foods

When Solar Plexus Chakra is Blocked

Chakra’s are evolving energy sources within the subtle body. As such, they can be deficient (closed/blocked) or excessive (open). When a Chakra is deficient, not enough energy is flowing. This could express itself as feeling tired, sluggish, or listless. When too much energy is flowing, you might feel aggression, agitation and even project these feelings onto others. Here are some things to look for when Crown Chakra is out of balance.

Manipulate others to get your way (too open). On the flip side, a blocked Chakra can manifest itself as feeling powerless and pathetic.

Exhibit signs of an overinflated ego. It drives you to show off or  speak out like you have something to prove.

Lack confidence and self-respect as though you have no value. Second guess your decisions all the time.

Seek approval from outside sources and try to people please rather than understand your own self worth.

You allow other people to make decisions for you, regardless of how you feel. This also relates to lack of boundaries and procrastination over important decisions.

Tired and exhausted from spinning your wheels, as though you’re trying so hard yet getting no where.

General feelings of insecurity, lack of power/control and loss of identity or fear of expressing your identity.

Activities to Unblock Solar Plexus Chakra

When Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, you’ll feel comfortable expressing and being yourself, without the need to dominate others. Energy will flow freely giving you confidence, self-esteem & charisma. These activities will balance & activate your Sacral Chakra:

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